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You can read about some of my experiences on this page. For more information, see my full CV below.




University of Toronto
Supervisor: Dr. Emily Impett

SEP 2017 - APR 2021

B.Sc. Hon

Psychology (Specialized Honours), Summa Cum Laude

York University

Supervisor: Dr. Amy Muise

Thesis Title:  Self-Expansion in Intercultural Relationships: Cultural Integration as a Mechanism for the Association with Relationship Quality Awarded the Originality Prize in Memory of Paul Jeffrey Kusyszyn


Naeimi, H., & Impett, E.A. (2025). Navigating cultural crossroads: A thematic analysis of individuals’ sacrifices in intercultural romantic relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family, 1-24.

Naeimi, H., West, A.L., Muise, A., Johnson, M.D., & Impett. E.A., (2024). Through the cultural looking glass: Diversity ideologies and cultural sharing in intercultural romantic relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 41 (1), 247-273.


West, A. L., Naeimi, H., Di Bartolomeo, A. A., Yampolsky, M., & Muise, A. (2024). Growing together through our cultural differences: The role of self-expansion in intercultural romantic relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50(2), 182-199.

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